Podcast 2020

Jesus’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about the High Priestly Prayer, the prayer Jesus prays for His disciples. In this account Jesus prays for Himself, He prays for His disciples, and He prays for future believers, the scripture says, those whom the Lord God has given Him, those who belong to God. The Lord Jesus took time to pray and specifically He took time to pray for Himself, His disciples, and future believers. This is one of the strategic prayers we encounter from our Lord and Savior!

Jonah’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about Jonah’s life and his prayer. Jonah’s story is infamous, many have heard about him in the belly of the fish. He is known as the one to take flight in the opposite direction of the great and wicked city of Ninevah. The Prophet Jonah was headed to Tarshish, because of the wickedness of the people, that has come up before the Lord, who according to Jonah were destined to receive God’s great compassion and mercies. Then Jonah was swallowed up by the great fish and he prayed!

Jairus’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about Jairus’s life and prayer. Jairus’s miraculous story about his daughter’s healing is paramount. It is said that Jairus was a synagogue leader in the local area and that many synagogue leaders had close ties with the Pharisees, who despised Jesus, but when Jairus the synagogue official came up and saw Jesus, he fell at His feet. Jairus’s precious daughter was deathly ill and at this time the crowds were mobbed around Jesus, but Jairus knew he had to make his request known, his petition came before the Lord as he knelt at Jesus’s feet. Jairus was of high stature, a synagogue official, but he was in a critical situation, there were crowds of people, but he fell at Christ’s feet to make his request known. I believe Jairus’s faith and desperate situation led him to ask the impossible and Christ responded!

Hannah’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about Hannah’s life and prayer. Hannah’s biblical story is well known, she was tormented because she could not have children for her husband Elkanah. The scripture says Hannah had no children. This leads her to prayer, a prayer derived from the bitterness of soul, a prayer with no spoken words, a prayer from the heart that caused her to be berated and accused of drunkenness in the temple, however, all of this lead to a vow fulfilled, the birth of one of God’s major prophets, and as a witness to a God that answers prayer!

The Thief on The Cross
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about The Thief on The Cross and his prayer. The Thief on The Cross is commonly known as the penitent thief, or the good thief, or the grateful thief, and as we will share in this podcast, as the thief on the cross. This is one of the shortest prayers recorded in scripture and it’s a simple prayer. Why is this instance in scripture so important, is it because of his last-minute prayer or is it the divine realization expressed in the conversation he has on the cross?

Nehemiah’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about The Prophet Nehemiah’s life and his prayer. The Prophet Nehemiah is well known for rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem. He was a great leader and God called him to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem in order to protect its people from enemy attack. Nehemiah was released from captivity by the Persian King Artaxerxes I, because God gave Nehemiah special favor with the King, this caused the King to respect and love Nehemiah. Nehemiah was sad before the King because he carried the burden for God’s people and the ruined city of Jerusalem and its gates destroyed by fire, this caused Nehemiah to pray and fast!

Elisha’s Prayer
In this episode we will experience and also learn about The Prophet Elisha’s life and his prayer. The Prophet Elisha is well known for his double portion anointing from Elijah the major Prophet. Elisha is the son of Shaphat, a wealthy land owner. Elisha is a disciple and protege of the Prophet Elijah. It is said that Elisha administered twice as many miracles as Elijah, he was selected by God as Elijah’s successor and was accepted as the leader of the sons of the prophets. In this segment, the Prophet Elisha is up against King Aram’s powerful Syrian army and Elisha prays for his servant’s eyes to be opened!

The Prophet Daniel’s Prayer
In this episode we will experience and also learn about The Prophet Daniel’s life and his prayer. It is said that The Prophet Daniel was a righteous man, born of princely lineage, he was taken from Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar into Babylon, a severely wicked city and an ungodly culture filled with unbelievers. Miraculously The Prophet Daniel survived and lived to serve four different reigning kings, The Prophet Daniel is known for many miraculous acts and for praying three times a day!

King David’s Prayer

In this episode, we will experience and also learn about King David’s life and his prayer. King David lived a full life, he was called by God ahead of his older brothers at a very young age. He was filled with zeal and divine courage, he was a shepherd of his father’s sheep and well known for killing the giant, Goliath along with many other miraculous acts. He is also known as a worshipper, a man after God’s own heart.


Moses’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about Moses, his life, and his prayer. Moses is recorded as the most important prophet in Judaism and is very important in Christianity. He is used by God to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt and cross the Red Sea. He is also credited for writing the Torah, he delivers the Ten Commandments, he is the leader of the Israelites and used as the lawgiver, this is all captured in scripture.

The Prophet Jeremiah’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about the Prophet Jeremiah’s life and his prayer. The Prophet Jeremiah was called by God to give Jerusalem a prophecy of destruction. He is known by some for confessing and complaining in prayer and is widely recognized as the Weeping Prophet.

Jesus’s Mother Mary’s Prayer
In this episode, we will experience and also learn about Jesus’s Mother Mary’s Prayer. She is known as a woman highly favored of God, who lives a life with full confidence in God.

Jabez’s Prayer

In this episode, we will experience and also learn about Jabez and his prayer. There is little known of Jabez, only what God has captured and what is found in this single verse. However, this single verse and this simple prayer has greatly influenced the course of time and Christendom as a whole.

King Solomon’s (Jedidiah’s) Prayer!
This podcast is designed to help others on their Christian journey and their faith walk with God. It’s designed to strengthen, encourage, empower, and inspire!

Elijah’s Prayer


In this episode, we will experience and also learn about the Prophet Elijah’s prayer. He is known as a man of Prayer, he places his confidence in God and God’s promises.

Gideon’s Prayer
This podcast is designed to help others on their Christian journey and their faith walk with God. It’s designed to strengthen, encourage, empower, and inspire!


The Tax Collector’s Prayer!
This podcast is designed to help others on their Christian journey and their faith walk with God. It’s designed to strengthen, encourage, empower, and inspire!

Eliezer’s Prayer
Today’s Prayer Room Podcast is about Eliezer’s Prayer. In this episode we will experience Eliezer’s backstory, his assignment from God, and his prayer!

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