“…So You Shall Keep My Commandments…”

“So you shall keep My commandments and do them; I am the Lord.” Leviticus‬ ‭22‬:‭31‬ ‭(AMP‬‬)

Today as we continue in the book of Leviticus when continue to learn of God’s holiness and all the priestly duties, the commentary reminds us that the priest are designed to serve God and His people, so our verse reminds us today as it shares, “So you shall keep My commandments and do them; I am the Lord.”

Today as we take a moment in our prayers we are reminded that God’s word ministers that we shall be holy because God is Holy, (1 Ptr 1:16), it reminds us that through the power of God’s word and the Holy Spirit we are transformed and so as our verse today reminds us to keep God’s word, and remind us to do God’s word it is because of the gift of the Holy Spirit we are forever being transformed, and this enables us to fulfill God’s word that declares, “So you shall keep My commandments and do them; I am the Lord.”

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