“…The Deliverers Shall Go Up On Mount Zion…”

“The deliverers shall go up on Mount Zion To rule and judge the mountain of Esau, And the kingdom and the kingship shall be the Lord’s.” Obadiah‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬ ‭(AMP‬‬)

Today the Lord leads us into the book of Obadiah, the shortest book in our Old Testament scriptures. The Prophet Obadiah, whose name means “servant or worshipper of the Lord” declares the wrong and trespass that Edom has done against Israel, God’s chosen people and God shows us that He will always take care of His chosen people, as our verse shares, “The deliverers shall go up on Mount Zion To rule and judge the mountain of Esau, And the kingdom and the kingship shall be the Lord’s.”

Today as we take a moment in our prayers, let’s be reminded that God will always take care of His chosen people, let’s be reminded that He will call deliverers to go up on Mount Zion to rule and judge Esau, because the kingdom and kingship shall be the Lord’s!

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