“…[The Lord Replied,] Look Among The Nations…”

“[The Lord replied,] “Look among the nations! See! Be astonished! Wonder! For I am doing something in your days— You would not believe it if you were told.” Habakkuk‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭(AMP‬‬)

Today we are in the book of Habakkuk, the book in the Bible that reminds us to write the vision, but it also shares about the Prophet Habakkuk’s burden, where he asked the Lord how long must I cry before You answer. Today we experience God’s response, our verse declares, “[The Lord replied,] “Look among the nations! See! Be astonished! Wonder! For I am doing something in your days— You would not believe it if you were told.

Today as we take a moment in our prayers, we are reminded that sometimes we must cry out to God, we must call for help and we see in God’s word that we may not get an immediate response, but today our verse reminds us that God is still in control, the scripture declares He’s doing something we would not believe if we were told, we honor God today because the Lord replied, look among the nations!


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