In Honor of MLK Day!

Let The Boy Babies Live!

But the midwives feared God [with profound reverence] and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded, but they let the boy babies live. Exod 1:17 (Amp)

What exactly does that mean, kill the boy babies…from a natural standpoint, if you eliminate the male child from a race, then you eliminate generations and you eliminate future existence, genocide…from a Spiritual standpoint, elimination of the male child means the extinction of God’s chosen people. Ultimately, the birth line of Jesus Christ would be cut off. He is our Messiah the savior of the world, born so that there would be a full and complete restoration of God to His people…

Let us pray today for our boy babies, young and old, near and far, so that the tricks and schemes of the enemy don’t take root, so that no strongholds form to come against all of who they are to be in God!

May the Lord intervene once again and Let the boy babies Live!

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