“…Get Behind Me, Satan…”

“But turning around [with His back to Peter] and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, “Get behind Me, Satan; for your mind is not set on God’s will or His values and purposes, but on what pleases man.” Mark 8:33 (AMP)

In today’s verse we experience a conversation between Jesus and His disciple Peter who receives a stern rebuke, the scripture says, But turning around [with His back to Peter] and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, “Get behind Me, Satan; for your mind is not set on God’s will or His values and purposes, but on what pleases man.”

Today as we take a moment in our prayers, let us not focus on the rebuke, but on God’s divine motivation behind the rebuke. After He rebukes Peter, He immediately says your mind is not on God’s will or His values and purposes, but on pleasing man.

This is a critical rebuke because it’s not about who you are to Jesus or seemingly who Jesus is, but wholly about God’s divine will, God’s divine values and purposes.

Let us not get so caught up on pleasing man, that we miss God, scripture says we may end up as castaways (1 Cor 9:27), or He may say I never knew you (Matt 7:21-23). So as we pray, let’s give God those things that trip us up or trick us and cause us to act like Peter, where God says, Get Behind Me, Satan!

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