“…If You Harm Or Oppress Them…”
“If you harm or oppress them in any way, and they cry at all to Me [for help], I will most certainly hear their cry;” Exodus 22:23 (AMP)
Today the Lord ministers in the book of Exodus about justice and injustice, He encourages us through His word to be just and to administer the dealings in our lives justly, God is a just God, He reminds us in His word how to handle the poor, as scripture declares, “If you harm or oppress them in any way, and they cry at all to Me [for help], I will most certainly hear their cry;”
Today as we take a moment in our prayers, let us be mindful of those less fortunate, let us continue to cultivate a heart like God’s, to care for the poor and not take advantage of the poor, to help the poor and not mistreat those less fortunate, because God will mostly certainly hear their cry, as God’s word declare, if you harm or oppress them!
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