“…For I Know The Plans…”

“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭(AMP‬‬)

Here in this wonderful book of Jeremiah, this major Prophet reminds us that God has plans and thoughts for you and I, God’s plans are for good and not to harm, plans of peace and well-being, the scripture says, “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Today as we take a moment in our prayers, today we pray and keep on praying God’s plans and thoughts into our lives, God’s plans and thoughts of peace and well-being, God’s plans and thoughts of good and not disaster, God’s plans and thoughts to give us a future and a hope, because God declares, for I know the plans!

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