“…Then Joseph Hurried Out…” “Then Joseph hurried out [of the room] because his heart was deeply touched over his brother, and he sought privacy to weep; so he entered his chamber and wept there.” Genesis‬ ‭43‬:‭30‬ ‭(AMP‬‬)

Today we arrive in the book of Genesis that ministers about the famine, we experience the true meaning of Goshen, the commentary shares its a place of divine provision, favor, and protection. We learn this as we experience Joseph’s reunion with his brothers during the famine, our scriptures declare, “Then Joseph hurried out [of the room] because his heart was deeply touched over his brother, and he sought privacy to weep; so he entered his chamber and wept there.”

Today as we take a moment in our prayers, God provides provision, favor, and protection. God shows the fulfillment of His prophetic dreams, here Joseph reunites with his brothers and he weeps, as the Lord uses him to save himself, his family, and all of Egypt from famine, as our scriptures shares, Then Joseph hurried out!

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