“…But Daniel Made Up His Mind…”

“But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile (taint, dishonor) himself with the king’s finest food or with the wine which the king drank; so he asked the commander of the officials that he might [be excused so that he would] not defile himself.” Daniel‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭(AMP‬‬)

Today as we start a new, in the book of Daniel the Lord through His word introduces us to the Prophet Daniel, the scripture says, “But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile (taint, dishonor) himself with the king’s finest food or with the wine which the king drank; so he asked the commander of the officials that he might [be excused so that he would] not defile himself.”

Today as we take a moment in our prayers, we are reminded that we must have divine resolve for God and for the things of God, and we know that comes from Christ alone. Today our scripture reminds us that the Prophet Daniel made up his mind, that he would not defile, taint, dishonor himself, our prayers today and every day is for God’s divine resolve, as the scriptures declare, but Daniel made up his mind!

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