…And Guide The Nations On Earth…

“Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, For You will judge the people fairly And guide the nations on earth. Selah.“

Psalm 67:4 (Amp)

Today we learn about a petition for God to guide the nations on earth, every nation. It is clear that nations near or far are dear to God’s heart, but most importantly those nations that are glad and sing for joy because God will guide their nation.

Today let’s take a moment, at the start of this new year and let’s petition God to cause us to be glad and sing for joy to God so that He can guide our nations, near and far.

We need God’s guiding power, every nation facing poverty, strife, division, war, crime, suffering, injustice, and the like.

Let Him have mercy and pour upon every believer a reverence for Him, filled with gladness that causes us to sing for joy because He will guide the nations on earth, Selah!

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